Hey hey sup? :)

Hey hey welcome to my blog! have a good time, chillax and listen to some music, and be sure to check out Pewdiepie on youtube, Bryant Oden on songdrops and Pikachu on Pokemon.com!!! Also, eats lots of cake and muffins and stay happy and healthy! (wait... MUFFINS AND CAKE ARE NOT HEALTHY!!! I'm ruined! ;_;)

Monday, July 23, 2012


i'm going to my other house. I won't really be able to post anything... ;_;

Sunday, July 22, 2012

wueennnn..... ;_;

I drew a picture of a panda rolling around with a ball, but forgot it on the scaner back on the island! I'm a moron... ;_;

NOOOO!!! ;_;

I'm going back home from the island I'm on! ;_; I'm going to have to put up with my anno- best friend now! I mean YAY!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

lol joke

Today, the guy we went fishing with told us a hilarious joke than even made me laugh! A racist joke. There is a Russian, a Cuban, a Canadian, and a Native American on a train together. The Russian decides to show off and drinks one third of his vodka and then throws it out the window. Everyone else thouught he was crazy but then the Russian said they have lots of that in Russia. The Cuban, not wanting to be outdone, took a cigar out of a box and threw the rest out of the window. Everyone else thought that he was crazy, but the Cuban said they have lots of that stuff in Cuba. Then the Canadian threw the Native American out the window! OwO LOL

sharky!! owo

today i went fishing again and it was fun! caught two GIANT fish about two of my computer screens long, and another shark!! owo


Watching rockford files! It's great! I really like the music.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Today for the rest of the day, I chillax on my own! :3

Squalo (or Kisame) and Flan

I think about two days ago I went fishing and caught a shark! >:) A dog fish shark! ;_; it's gross that they pee through their skin if their scared. I wonder if Kisame does... (thinks) and just today we found a frog! It was cute! then two dead birds! (Pewdiepie plays condemmed criminals ftw!!!) :)

Lol Deidara

Today I had to help spray paint some wood, but it ended upmaking a mess, so we painted instead. When Deidara and I were moving the wood (we used special boat paint so it would not rot) it got on my pants! ;_;

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This is....

This is... ART!!! I love art! Go to deviant art and add me! tiotcfj for the win! :D


Today, I'm going to tell you abou Hidan and what he is doing. looks like he is moping around the place. Wow... Way to be.

Hey There

I know this is my new blog and all and I may not post that much, I hope to keep you all pretty well informed about what the Akatsuki is doing now! or maybe about my day but that is boooring! :P